
What's happening to me?I used to be a straight A student,top of the class fate has turned on me

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I recently transferred to a new school and ever since things have gone pear shaped for me!Thing is, I still study like I used to,even harder I think,but I always fall short of reaching my goals! Its getting to a point where I feel like I'm an idiot(for real), like maybe I wasn't clever to begin with!What do I do?I cry myself to sleep at times because of this, it's soo hard for me- worst thing is, no one understands!

Ps: I'm in my final year of High School and transferred to the new school a year ago.




  1. Some schools are harder than others. (The universities sometimes look at schools differently because of that) But I'm guessing it shouldn't be more of a difference than 10% or so.

  2. went through the same phase about 6months back and now i am back at the top

    the secret

    don't worry too much, the more u worry the more mistake u make

    try and stick to the basics

    and most of all be patient for the magic to return

    i know it's your last year but it won't take more than two weeks

    i know it's pretty hard but keep focused

    anyways why did u change schools for the last  2 yrs.....thats kinda strange

  3. You are not an idiot.  You are a young adult who's life was just flipped upside down.  Concentrate on what you like & forget about the environment.  It will bring you around to center again.  Ask your new teachers if tutoring is available.  Many have different ways of teaching the same thing.

    And it's just nobody you've met yet that understands.  Is the pressure coming from you or your parents?  All you can do is the best you can do.  Ease up on yourself, relax.  It'll fall into place and in time not to affect your GPA.  Been there, done that; so, I do understand.  God bless, love you.

  4. May u r not used to the new environment of the school yet and you still are uncomfortable this can make taking tests and other things extremely hard. also the curiculum may be harder than what u were introduced to before. Just keep trying dont worry about it. Seriously it doesnt make you an idiot, just stay up with ur studies and you should do fine just stay positive is all you really need to do. ask the teacher for help if nothing else works.

  5. Being a top student is within your grasp.  Being THE top student is beyond your control because you can't stop other people doing better than yourself.

    The change may result from

    (a) Changes in your interest just as a result of maturing - adolescence.

    (b) Your old school had lower standards that you were not aware of.

    (c) The new school may have standards that are perhaps unduly demanding, blessed with better teachers, or attracts students from a more affluent area than your last.

    Just remember that you can do no better than your best.  And keep your chin up.  Good luck to you.

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