
What's happening with xl airline?

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I have read that xl airline are having trouble. Does anyone have anymore info on them? I have a holiday booked with travel city direct for next year.




  1. i wouldn't worry at this moment, i think someone else has their eye on buying them (a bigger airline)!

  2. They are currently seeking re-financing from the banks.

    They used to be a good airline and an industry award winner.

    But they lost my support when they arbitrarily cut the popular European sectors for what they perceived to be a more lucrative market especially in the Caribbean.

    I believe they gave up the 'bread and butter' routes to chase the dollar.

    I don't think anyone currently booked with them need have any worries however.

  3. XL have recently announced the cancellation of their entire Caribbean schedule for this winter (November onwards) citing high fuel costs and the subsequent decrease in passenger numbers.

    Whether this is a sign of being trouble (like Zoom last week) is another matter as they will continue to fly their European and Florida routes which are still profitable

  4. So where did you hear this? We're travelling with XL at the weekend. We live in Cyprus, and so use them quite a bit to travel backwards and forwards to the U.K. Its not that long ago that they were winning awards for being the most punctual airline etc

    Your not getting confused with Exel Aviation? This is a Dutch airline which was experiencing difficulties?

    Can you let us know where you read this information?

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