
What's happens to all the excrement we flush down the toilet in England?

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  1. Next time you go to Great Yarmouth and swim in the sea.

    I would consider very carefully the possibility of accidentally chowing down on a jobbie.

    Most places however the raw sewerage is sent to a little bacteria night club where they get stoned and have a little party.

  2. Obviously youve never seen or been to a treatment works.


    (some things that go down our loo's begs belief!)

    first it is sent throug a series of filters, which sort out different grades of "Solids!"

    Items like tampax's, johnnies, other sanitary products and "undesireables" are removed and sent to landfill after treatment and compacting

    Actual faeces (goldfish included) is worked (ie mashed) and broken down as much as possible befor being hit with a series of chemical treatments - it is then allowed to degrade into different types of effluent - heavy solids are dried and compacted then go to land fill.

    most of the liquid is then screened and sent BACK into our water systems.

    tasty really!

  3. It is mainly treated in plants, reconverted into inert and sanitary clean material to be reused in agriculture or landfills

  4. Dave J was nearly there but the dried and treated solids are very often given to Farmers ( they get paid to take it too) who spread it on the land. In Germany where I lived they cut out the middleman and septic tank contents were fermented and then spread as was.

    Its recycling, all the water in the world has been through someones bladder, quite often several hundred times, and what do they do with it on the space station? well what was drunk once can be drunk again, and the solids they cannot reuse, are ejected as dried mass. And just to make it better it will eventually return........ as a Goldfish meteor!

  5. Goes into sewage.

  6. A vast amount goes out to sea....Sadly a vast amount of it also comes back in from the sea.....

    As you asked for serious answers I shall not say it goes across the Channel and becomes France.....sorry ....

  7. Have you never driven past or been near a sewage plant? Clue: They stink a long way off. It is here that they process the c**p from your toilet, take out the water and rest goes in the sea or to landfill

  8. It all ends up in tomorrows newspapers !!

    Caramac x

  9. It gets sent to Newcastle

    By Aeroplane on a Saturday morning at10.35am.

    You can trust me I know.

    I am a politician.

    Some people will tell you it goes into plants don't believe them. Sewage would kill plants. It will not kill the residents of Newcastle

  10. it ends up in parliament forming the next budget

  11. It ends up as sewage which travels through the sewerage system and ends up at a sewage treatment plant where the sewage is treated.

  12. it represents england in football.

    sorry could not resist, it flows into sewage treatment plants.

  13. It flows by gravity or is pumped by force to a treatment plant where it passes through a comminutor which grinds it or homogenizes it.

    Then it proceeds to a clarifyer.

    Once there, heavy material sinks to the bottom of a circular clarifyer and lighter water overflows to a secondary clarifyer for further clarification.

    The heavy material is thickened, then de-watered and the light material is spread over a media (gravel) populated with beneficial bacteria which break down the toxic ammonia compounds into less harmful nitrogen compounds.

    The dewatered sludge is incinerated, deposited into a landfill, dumped at sea or used a fertilizer.

    The treated water is chlorinated and re-introduced into the environment.

  14. Partially it  ends up in the sea.

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