I am stuck between becoming one or the other. I would love them both passionately, but i cant seem to decide. Here's what i got so far. If i (try) to become a doctor:
-long hours/dont get to see family as much
-At least 10 years of schooling (for what i want to be)
-probably wont date until im out school
-huge debt after schooling
-can kill someone (which i assume most doc.'s get use to, but its never a good thing)
-you know you made a difference in someone(s) life
-Make a lot of money
Any other pros cons, please add...
Well, here's where i have a question.
If you go to school, college, then post-grad for business/investment education, are you (assuming that you try hard,and put max effort into schooling) gaurenteed to be making a lot of money like many people on walstreet, etc?
The jobs arent so much about the money. both make a lot of money.
I cant deicide, and its killing me, please help, i am going to be a junior...(in HS)