
What's has 3 legs?

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Heres the trivia. When this creature is born, it uses 4 legs. As it gets older it uses 2 legs. Then once it gets very old it uses 3 legs.

Whats this creature?




  1. Thank you sphinx, but Oedipus has already got this one in the bag.

  2. man

    crawls as a baby

    walks as an adult

    uses a cane when old

  3. Man

    Crawls when young,

    Walks when older,

    Walks with a cane when really old

  4. that`s human !  when we are the babys, we use arms and legs(it looks like 4 legs :D),when we are older,we can walk by the two legs. And when we are old ,we need a cane to keep balance(that is the 3rd leg)

  5. A human! A baby crawls, as it get older they walk. And an old man uses a cane which makes 3.

  6. a human!
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