
What's healthier for the environment : A Hybrid or a Straight Vegetable Oil Diesel car??? thank you!?

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What's healthier for the environment : A Hybrid or a Straight Vegetable Oil Diesel car??? thank you!?




  1. In the end, a hybrid. Why? We couldn't produce enough bio-diesel to run all the vehicles on the road. Obviously, we wouldn't have any vegetable oil for us if we used it all for vehicles.

  2. Hybrids appear to vary quite a lot. If a hybrid also included a plug-in for electrical charging at home and at work, then my vote would be strongly in favor of a plug-in hybrid. If this vehicle was charged at home, it could take me to work about 20-30 miles from home and would not use one drop of fuel. If I could plug it into an outlet while I worked, I could re-charge it and drive that same distance home again and not use a drop of fuel. If during the day, I had to drive another 300 miles, the fuel would kick in and I could drive just like I do in any other car. I suppose the hybrid could even use straight vegetable oil as it's back-up fuel. So, there is no question, a plug-in hybrid would be far better. I suspect a quality hybrid would be better even if it did not include the plug-in electric mode unless you have handy access to vegetable oil. Still, a plug in could get far greater mileage than either since it would use no fuel for most people who travel 20-40 miles per day. In fact, while it costs me about $50 per week to drive to work every day, I would not have to spend a dime on gas all week long in a plug in hybrid. My question is "why do American car makers not promote these?" All it would take would be to add a plug to the hybrid. Vegetable oil is not pollution free though it helps free us of the oil producing folks and that is a fine goal.

  3. If you include starvation, vegetable oil fuel is absurd. Every acre used to produce biofuel means that some will die.

  4. The diesel for sure. It would get bettter mileage and pollute much less. It also is cheaper and less complex.

    This is why Europe is going diesel and not hybrids for better mileage.

  5. Well the hybrid is only an improvement to the regular and prevalently used fuel-type. In contrast, the vegetable-oil diesel car may not have as low of a mpg, but in most cases it is cheaper and the emissions are 100% environmentally friendly. The vegetable-oil fuel type car is he best option for someone trying to better the environment.

  6. straight vegetable oil is said to have zero harmful emissions therefore would be better for the environment.

  7. Doesn't make that much difference as to produce the same work they will produce the same amount of CO2.

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