
What's high school like?

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i'm actually going into my junior year but i've spent my entire life in a catholic grammer and high school.

i just moved to a new state (New Jersey) so i don't know what to expect in my new high school.

i used to be in an all girls catholic high school with around 700 girls and the school was small and we wore uniform

this time, i'm going to a HUGE high school with over 1000 boys AND girls and we don't wear uniform.

is going to be like in movies where for example, at lunch time, all different groups sit together like the joks in one table, the smart asians in another, etc???

what's it going to be like?




  1. It's nothing like the movie. the movies tend to exagerate too much.

    it will be intimidating, but you'll live. don't worry. it will be fine and alot of fun. just try to make friend before you go to lunch so that you can have someone to sit with and talk to.

  2. lol

    i think it will be worse than the movies cause no one befriends the new kid.  HS everyone knws eachother from when they were little :/

  3. It's A LOT more laid back. You can bend and break the rules more.

  4. The movies portray miserable lifestyles at high schools and dramatic life stories. High school, to me, is very life changing. You are accepted as an adult and people treat as if you were an adult. Classes go by easily especially if you have block scheduling. Life is easy, if you get into the right crowd.  

  5. Depends on where u live. Just be nice to everyone and get involved in things so you'll meet more people and have something to do. Be nice to your teachers...they really need and deserve this!

  6. The best way to know is to go in person and find for yourself.  

  7. Well i am going into eleventh grade this year, and my school has around 2000 people, its really massive. But, at least for me, the first few days were kind of overwhelming, with sooo many ppl and such a big school, like getting around to the different classes and stuff.

    i think that the main thing is to go in with confidence and try to talk as many people as you can in the first few weeks, so you can have someone to sit with in different classes.. the great thing about a big school is that there are tons of people, and once you meet one or two different friends, you'll be introduced to their other friends, and it starts to be really fun.

    About the group thing.. well there are for sure a few different groups, but don't worry.. not like the "jock" group, the "emo" group, the "anime" group or anything hahah, just groups of different friends.. and its not like in the movies, where you are stuck with one group.. you'll probly end up making different groups of friends.. :)

    anyway, hope this helps.. sorry that its soo long.. i didnt realize i had that much to write haha have fun!

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