
What's high school like!? ?

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I'm going into a high school of 2000 kids.

I'm a freshman. But I'm super scared.

Does anyone have any tips for me?




  1. every school is different. all i can say is:

    dont trust everything seniors say

    enjoy it while u can, before "real" work begins

    try and make alot of friends before drama and cliques start

    and realize that ur freshmen. ur not as big, or tough as u were in eighth grade and dont try to be because 98% of the time its not gonna work.

    dont be scared. its all good.

    hope that helps.

  2. My high school has 4000 =]

    lol Don't worry let everything fall into place and do your work.

    Friends will come naturally and be nice to everyone whether you like them or not and don't talk behind people's backs =]  

  3. dont worry, im a freshman too and im already a week into school. before school started i was SUPER nervous, i dont even know where to begin on that. well i got to the high school, met up with a couple of friends on where to meet for lunch, checked my schedule and map a few times a day and....

    high school isnt bad at all!

    seriously, its wayyy better than middle school, you have so much more freedom. you dont really do much on the first because the teachers are just handing out papers, assigning seats, and going over classroom rules. if your late to class a couple times it doesnt matter since its the first day and your a freshman, and its kind of hard to get lost since there are arrows with the room numbers on them pointing you in the right direction. but all in all when i came home that day i dont know what i was nervous for! i am completely sure you will be fine in high school, i sure was! just focus on getting to your classes, listen to the teachers' rules and you're good! hope this helped, and good luck!

  4. don't act like u know it all because you will get hurt.

    just be normal.

  5. i garaunteee you highschool will be some of the best years of your life. So have fun. Highschool is pretty much a free for all- you will have more responsibilities, but more freedoms too. You will want to stick close to your friends, but remember to open up your mind and meet new people. Stay loose and enjoy the years cause pretty soon you'll be a senior.  

  6. it's similar to middle school, but better. more teachers and homework, better extracurriculars, food, and dances! more drama amongst the freshmen usually.

    like the other answer-ers have said, be yourself, be friendly to everyone, don't talk behind people's backs, and most of all - DON'T WORRY! it's not that bad. you'll make new firends, join new teams, get lost once or twice in a new school (lol!), enjoy new experiences, and discover new intrests.

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