
What's highschool going to be like?

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I'm about to be a freshman the first week of september and want to know a little about what it will be will it b different from middle school? Is it fun? Is it important? Is it hard? Things like that...and any tips or ticks for surviving it would be loved. Sarcasm is not appreciated! :]




  1. I thought it was fun. It isn't hard but make the best of everything because it goes by extremely fast.

  2. high school is basically just like middle school with more people and meaner teachers.honestly there is nothing at all to worry about.people act more grown up and there are lots of fights.and yea it's harder then middle school but it's no big's funner the middle school because your pretty much you can just skip class without getting caught but it's ok.but good luck and have fun :)

  3. Stay focus, dont drift away from your future. There more going for you in high school as well in all. Yes there will be times when high school is hard, almost like middle school. Although your mind will also start thinking different... like can handle situations better/ just feel more smarter.  

  4. I start tomorrow(:


    from what Ive heard,

    you will be FINE

    nothing is different

    everything is utter chaos on the first day because no one knows where theyre going

    talk to tons of people

    dont act like a stuck up *****.

    people dont like that

    haha :D

    good luck hun

  5. grl no such thing as freshman friday thats a rumor to scare ppl. they r so strict on fights these days u cant even touch each other. this is the point in ur life wen u will meet so many fake ppl its crazy! it gets pretty hectic and stressful i suggest praying alot! and alot of naps cuz u will be tired. and take honors classes so wen u r a senoir u can chill. more teachers and most r wackos but its soooo much fun im bout to b a SR. and i misss being in ur position. oh and s**y GUYS!!!!  

  6. LOL High school is School its the same you go to your classes and do your work and make new freinds the only diffrenece is that you take more Tests than Middle school SATs for example here in NYC the high school i go to the first class starts at 7:00 am thats called 0-period i enter at 1st period which starts at 7:50am than i get out like at 3pm the last peroid for some kids is 8th period or 9 period which at 410pm you get out thats usually for freshman. Dont worry theres nothing to worry about but it starts getting tougher at 11th grade where you have to get good grades to show colleges that you are able to do college work. Good luck.

  7. no it's not hard.  you'll be fine.  

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