
What's highschool like /:?

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i'm gonna be a freshman this year and i'm soooo unbelievably nervouss!]: i know that everbody's high school experience is different, but does anybody have any advice for what to sorta expect and what to dooo? haha sorry but i'm just freaking out! thanksss.[:




  1. All high schools are different, it's really what you make of it that makes your experience.  Don't try to be something you're not and make friends with people based on who they are not what they are.  Get involved in school activities, such as sports and clubs (you'll make amazing friends &&it helps for college).  &don't wait til the last minute to do your assignments.  High school will be a really good time, just enjoy it because it goes very quick.

  2. high skool is full of cliques (little groups of people). dont get wrapped up into popularity and all that stuff. remind yourself of why you're in high skool; for you to LEARN, not to be popular. Just try to be nice to everyone and dont hang out with a specific group of ppl.

  3. well, i first was amazed by how much bigger, and more confusing, the school is. i had a little trouble finding my classes for like the first week but after that i got it. i'd say don't try to p**s of teachers cause they might be more stricter than elementary school. it'll all be fine, it'll just take about 1-2 weeks to get used to everything.

  4. drama, drama and drama....its like hs hv such alot drama

    if you know theres drama goin' on...get away from it.....

    just dun understand howcome there's alot ppl want to be popular

    does it really mean anything once they get out of from hs?

    so... yea.. work hard on ur skol work and attend more activite, then u will be fine...

  5. yea well im going to 10th grade this year. im telling you for me, its completely changed me.

    i def. matured in so many ways, and see everything so differently. the girls are def. more open about things. i get more girls now, and hook ups, go to teen clubs. basically their more sexual. but my first semester was DEFINITELY hectic. like the work level is just way diff. then jhs. everything is bigger, more things going on and def. more people. so theres more hw, tests and stuff to worry about it. but dont let it take away from your fun. you dont know where anything is, so you gotta ask people and your basically on the bottom of the food chain. the second semester gets easier, you make friends, you know people, and you know where everything is. but now going to the 10th grade, i feel like i know everything about the school and im on top.

    make sure to start off good and keep it up, don't slack. i did but i got back up. finished 9th grade off good and things went well. hang around the right people, dont get involved in the gangs and wrong people cuz you can really get in some huge trouble. i should know i was in the situation where my friends talked some **** and we almost got our asses kicked, good things i had my guys backing me up.

    this all goes like if your a guy. girls dont get into gang fights and c**p so yea.

    good luck, have fun and dont worry. oh and wear something nice the first day and make a good impression.

  6. So far my highschool experience has been wonderful. On the first day you should bring a folder, pen or pencil, and paper. You will write things down and store papers. You should just relax.

  7. yep, everybody's highschool is different. don't freak out though, it can be stressful at time but it's not all that bad. all i have to say is don't let people push you into doing things. if there's any people at your school that try to make you do something stupid, don't pay attention to them. i'm talking getting drunk or having s*x with someone. you're a teen, you don't need that sort of stuff going on right now.

    i'm not trying to be a party pooper here, but do what you know is right, it's not worth it to get dragged down by people like that.

    anyway, high school is actually pretty fun if you put those kinds of people aside. just be yourself and you'll have a blast. it's nearly impossible to have fun if you're trying to be someone you aren't. don't waste your teenage years, that's when you really start figuring out who you are. whether you start dressing crazy, join a band, or whatever.

    homework can be pretty tough, depending on what kind of teachers you have. there's usually a lot of standing up and doing presentations. you'll get used to it once you make friends in your classes. what's so bad about talking in front of your friends?

    there's generally a *lot* of drama in high school. i mean a lot of pointless, stupid drama about boyfriends or whatever. it's up to you if you want to be a part of drama and gossipping, but there is a lot of it so be warned.

    oh, and if there's anyone in your class that has a real talent for art befriend them, people like that are usually interesting. sometimes they're just weird dorks, but people that are into art tend to be cool.

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