
What's his problem?

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I have this friend who I haven't seen in a year, but we often chat online. A few weeks ago, he was near to where I live, so he asked to see me, but I wasn't allowed to go see him because; well long story short, hes hurt my feelings a lot, and my mom sort of wants me to stay away from him. So I told him I couldn't and he said "ok some other time then" but he sounded dissapointed.

This past Sunday, I went to the Vans warped concert with some friends, and I asked him if he wanted to come because I know he loves rock music, and he said no, and he kept giving me stupid excuses. And it's funny because a few months ago, I asked him if he would be interested to go, and he said "Yeah!" and he seemed really excited about it.

Now, ever since I went to the concert, he hasnt talked to me whenever I'm on MSN. And its strange, because he usually says hello to me whenever I'm online. Did I do something wrong? I just dont understand him.

Thanks for your answers!




  1. Looks like your Mom was right...this guy seems like a creep, who plays mind games with you.

    Trust your instincts about him and how you didn't like that he was trying to hangout behind his girlfriends back.

    Who cares if he's being all "mooey pooey"and not saying Hi seems to me that it's just more of his old tricks with trying to make you question "what did I do wrong?"

    When,You didn't do anything just didn't meet him when he wanted to cut out on his girl and now he's pouting. Why do you want to baby him?

    I would ignore him the next time he "honors" you with a "Hi" have better things to do.

    So how was the Warped?

    Get on with your life he's a loser.


  2. did you tell him why you couldnt see him the last time? if not he thinks you dont like him anymore most likly
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