
What's in a name? Or more precisely, what is a name worth?

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1) Think of the names for a boy and girl you detest the most. It might be the trendier names, like Madison and Jayden. It might be a name like Nevaeh or Princess. Or, if you can't stand everyday names, a name like Michael or Emily. Maybe it's an "old person's" name, like Wilbur or Gertrude. Anyway, pick a name that when you hear it, you think, "Ugghh! I can't STAND that name!"

2) Now envision this scenario. A stranger walks up to you and offers you $1 million, if you will only name your child the name you thought of in Part 1. There are some catches to this arrangement:

a) Outside of you and your spouse, nobody can know the reason you chose that name. You couldn't just say, "Her name is Nevaeh,. but we only named her that because someone gave us $1 million if we did."

b) You could not just use a nickname or call the child by his/her middle name. You would have to call the child by the name you dislike.

Would you take the money and give your child a name you detested?




  1. yes, i would take the million and name my child the name i detested. this is why - names grow on you, and your child would make the name beautiful, because you would love that child so much. also, my taste changes all the time. names i think i used to hate are now some of my favorites. you could do a lot with that million dollars for your child.

  2. no, i'd give the child the name i picked myself. i'd never use my child for profit even if it's only the name because it's the name they and i would have to live with for the rest of our lives.

  3. h**l no. Never ever would I give my daughter the name Madison, which is a horrid masculine name.

    A million dollars is not enough to torture my poor child with a name like that.

  4. I would take the money because the name I don't like are really quite popular and other people would probably compliment the name even though I personally hated it. Kaylee and Julian are the names I dislike the most.

  5. um, this is a crazy question. And i hate the name Savannah with every fiber of my it wouldnt be worth $1m

  6. No. There are more important things in life than a million dollars. A million dollars will go away eventually, but you always have your child.

    BTW the names I cant stand are Emily and Aiden

  7. My first reaction is no. But thinking about it I would probably take the money and put it in some kind of trust fund for my child to get when they reached adult age. If they have to live with the name then they deserve all of the money. They always have they option of changing their name by themselves later on. I would just need to make sure that I gave them a really nice middle name. lol :-)

  8. no, I would not take the money, if I did not like the name, my child's welfare and mind is more important to me than money! You can always make money if you work hard enough for it, but you can not take back the damage you may of caused to your child for the sake of the money! No, I would not take the money[because my child is worth a whole lot more]! If someone did that and took the money wouldn't they be selling out their own child?

  9. no...i would not risk humiliating the kid.

    the names i hate are bertha, agatha, gurtude and princess. for boyss it would be elmer, gunther, huberto, and turintine

  10. i would pick the money because i would learn to grow into the name.

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