
What's in a preschool "feely box"?

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What's in a preschool "feely box"?




  1. I have never heard of that before.  They should give it a much less creepy name though!

  2. This is a popular activity but can take some time to prepare.  You can purchase one or create one yourself by cutting holes in a large shoe box or placing a large cup inside of a tube sock.

    I see that one answer had quite a few ideas for what goes in one.  Something I like to do is add pictures of the object.  So a child looks at the picture of the object and then reaches into the feely box to find that object.  I've also used it with letters, numbers, shapes, and textures.  Good luck!

  3. isn't that when there is a box with an armhole and the item(s) inside are unseen and the user has to guess what is inside using their senses?

  4. I have used these before... They are great for promoting the senses in preschoolers since at this age they rely heavily on exploring to learn.

    What you do is create a box with a hole in the side.  You put something in the box that has a special "texture" or feels interesting (Some items that we've used are:

    -a feather boa,

    -velvet fabric,


    -bubble wrap,




    -furry fabric,

    -sponges, etc.

    I always created an exercise to go along with the box, such as:

    -"Draw a picture of what you think could be in the box",

    -"What are 3 words that describe what you felt" or

    -"Everyone write down one guess of what could be in the box".

    We called ours a "Texture Box" and we did it about once a week!  My preschoolers always LOVED it!

    Hope this helps!

  5. whatever you want -if we are talking about shapes, we put different shapes in there and they feel and guess before bringing it out - if we're talking about farm animals, we fill it with farm animals, etc.

  6. It's a box where you would put objects of various sizes and textures. One child at a time puts one hand inside and feels around for one object without pulling it out and tries to guess what it is.

  7. Its a box in which a kid reaches in and feels items to guess what they are.

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