
What's in pain pills that make you so happy?

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I have a pinched nerve in my neck that delivers large amounts of pain to my shoulder and left side of my back. My doctor gave me hydrocodone's with ibuprofen to help with inflammation and muscle relaxers. When I take the pain pill I feel so happy and good. What is in it? and why don't they make a anti-depressant pill like that?




  1. It is an opiate.  It affects the dopamine in the brain which is why pain pills are highly addictive.  The feeling is temporary, addictive and the more often you take them the more you body gets used to them.  It is not a sustainable feeling that is useful and is in fact harmful as an antidepressant.

  2. The hydrocodone in your Vicoprofen (pain pill) is what is making you feel so good.  Hydrocodone is the reason that Vicodin is addictive and why it is so often abused.  Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid that comes from codeine and thebaine, both of which are opiate alkaloids of opium.

    Depending on the muscle relaxer you were given, it may also have a somewhat euphoric feeling attached to it.  This feeling will be less than the hydrocodone but may be there also.  Not everyone experiences these medications the same way.  Some people do not like the feelings they get from hydrocodone.

    I hope this helps in your understanding.  Feel free to contact me via email if you would like more information.

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