
What's it called when someone puts you down just when you are feeling better?

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What's it called when someone puts you down just when you are feeling better?




  1. being shot down like a plane.

  2. The closest notion is "party-pooping", but I don't know the specific name for this situation.

  3. manic depression

  4. Schadenfreude "Malicious joy in the misfortunes of others."

    And, very bad timing.

    C. :)

  5. murphys law

  6. Envy. Remember, misery loves company.

  7. it's called blaming others for your emotions

  8. abusive.

  9. s****t

  10. unlucky

  11. It's called leveling.  Misery loves company.  People will knock you down just to feel better about themselves.  People who do that are insecure, unhappy, and jealous.  See it for what it is, rise above it, and let it go.

  12. life

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