
What's it like, being in love?

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I've never been in love and I'm just wondering if it's wonderful as everyone says it is. Are the books lying to me?




  1. Books are not lying. Being in LOVE with someone who loves you back is the most wonderful feeling the world.  It's the best feeling ever.

    The world could be exploding around you and you don't even know it.

    Good Luck!

  2. It sucks.

  3. I wish I can feel it all over again.

  4. Yes, the books are lying to you. It's much more wonderful than the books make it out to be.

    It's like chocolate and peanut butter sandwiches on fresh bread, with a chaser of ice cream.

    It's also about as painful as anything you can imagine, when you aren't sure if it's real.

    Another thing that the books lie about: love is not forever. It lasts a very, very long time, but forever is not the same thing. Once in a great while, it can last a lifetime, and perhaps longer, but there are few cases where true love exists any more.

    Finding it is everyone's goal, but sometimes it's not possible. Sometimes, it's a decision, and sometimes it's circumstance, but the only way to know love is to experience it. It's just something you know.

  5. Ugh.

    Depends how much you know that "love" is a lie, something created by our own culture for our own amusement.  Humans have natural sexual attraction, and a survival instinct that draws us to people with similar morals to our self.  Love is a unification of the two, nothing more.

    People who claim that it is an overwhelming feeling are the people who have been gullible enough to be completely taken in by a lie of our own cultural construction.

  6. Wonderful :).  

  7. It is the most amazing feeling in the world. But the books are lying, it rarely turns out like it does in the books. As for being in love, I don't think it can be adequately described. Words don't always work, as much as we wish they could. The closest thing I can relate it to is breathing. Or maybe crying, because it does hurt, but you dont care. It hurts in a good way. Like I said, I dont think words will ever be able to adequately describe it.

    A little peice of advice though (I hope you dont mind), don't rush it. Just enjoy everything that's going on now in your life, and you will be in love one day.

    Too many teens throw the word love around too easily, and think they're in love with everyone they date. Finally someone who isn't.


  8. It's like being selfish only the object isn't yourself.

  9. well you do intend to have your ups and downs once in a while

  10. ...contentment, patience,understanding, communication and humbleness...

    ...thanks for asking...

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