
What's it like being a SAHM (Stay at home mom)?

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Positive or negative experience?




  1. I love it, but it's hard hard work... and work that is often not recognized!

  2. well sometimes it can be hard but then other times its fun!


  3. I loved being a SAHM!  I now have to work due to the rising costs of everything, but we are trying to get back to the point where I can stay home again.  It was wonderful being able to stay at home and be with my son all day long.  I got to teach him things, about everything.  I loved being the mom who got to stay home with her baby.  Now it sucks because I have to drop him off at daycare everyday.  I hate the people that say that SAHM's have no goals.  That's so wrong.  I have so much I want to do and being a SAHM was the only way I could fullfill all of them.  If you can stay home, do it!

  4. I love it!..  Its hard work, but its rewarding.  Sometimes I miss having a regular job, but I wouldn;t change it.  If thats the case you could always get a parttime job for the weekends, especially if you don;t think you can live on one income.. if youre not single.  Its great being able to be there for my daughter, and  I dont have to worry about missing work if she's sick and cant go to daycare.

  5. I recently had my third child, a baby boy, but before that I worked.  I had to quit when I was about 7 months due to complications, and became a sahm.  For me, it's hard.  I love being with my kids, but I hate being stuck at home.  I am an antsy person and I like to get out, but it's hard with three kids.  My hubby is also in Iraq right now, so that makes it even harder.  I think it just depends on the person.  Some women are naturals at the sahm thing, but I still need to work on it, lol!

  6. i love being a sahm, its the best feeling in the world, although sometimes i feel really bored and want to get a job, but i cant handle the thought of someone else watching my daughter, i dont feel like its safe, ive had bad experiances with my little brother and sister in a day care.

  7. It can be very challenging, especially the possible lack of social interaction with other adults.  But I love it!  I found a great group of other SAHM's and we hang out with our kids a few times a week.  This way we call get to talk to other adults and the kids get used to being around other kids.

    I love that I am the one there to help her learn and grow and I have witnessed all of her firsts myself.

    It is not for everyone.  Some women also like to work (and I have no problem with that); in the long run a happy mommy fosters a happy child....Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

  8. it can be very challenging--in a GOOD way! and the  rewards are priceless! It will make you realize how strong and capable you really are, and it's also very empowering, knowing that YOU are the one  raising, shaping and molding this little human being, your child. I feel bad for parents who

    HAVE to send their child to daycare and I am baffled by the people who WANT to have other people raise their children, when they could very well afford to be a SAHM. I feel blessed and am very grateful.

  9. I love being a sahm I get to spend everyday with my son and we go on feidtrips all the time it is so much fun!!!

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