
What's it like being a teenager in canada?

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what's it like being a teenager in canada? we're moving there in 3 weeks (from the philippines) and i'll be attending 10th grade...

are people nice over there?




  1. Don't listen to the troll above me, she's uneducated and breathes negativity.

    Once you get used to the (huge, in Edmonton!) temperature drop, being a teenager in Canada is like being a teenager anywhere else in the world. You find a group of people you "click" with, and that's the group of people who you spend your time with in high school, and doing other stuff, like going to the mall, the theatre, extracurricular activities, etcetera.

    You'll also notice that people in Canada are VERY friendly :) We'll excuse ourselves if you're looking at something and we have to walk in front of you, we say "sorry" a LOT and generally we're always happy to point you in the right direction if you're confused or lost.

  2. I think so. We pride ourselves on being friendly. Teens like music and movies and TV here. They sort of lose me on what's good, however.

  3. cold, unfriendly and boring.

    there was a protest by the white canadians a few years back after the rush on hong kong millionaire immigrants into canada.

    but don't worry, the white community likes us (asian girls), they just don't like liberal minded men trying to cause trouble (the men).

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