
What's it like growing up as a child in Central London? What sort of adults do they grow up into?

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compare and contrast it with someone who grew up in a small provincial town in England?




  1. Good question, muggers, hoddies, fould language, rudness, drug addicts, teenage pregnancy and more unless they have parents who care and look after them.

  2. total wa*nkers from my experience, move your children out now

  3. my bf grew up in central london it really depends on which area... hes quite posh....s****....and is very street wise since london is the melting pot for everything and he tolerates diversity and has a better understanding of it then ppl tht live in small towns.lower class ppl  that live in a not so good area turn out to be chavs i guess.. and usually are up to no good cuz for example in small towns u cant get away with things cuz ppl would gossip but in london everybodys buzy so theyre less likely to notice...where as affluent ppl have a family reputation to keep because theyre more dependent and family orientated cuz they want to live off their families wealth..i guess im generalizing too much but my point is it depends on the area and class!!!

  4. It depends entirely on their parents, doesn't it. If you have crappy parents and live in a small village you'll no doubt grow up with fewer morals, less respect and worse behaviour than somebody who was brought up by excellent and dedicated Londoners. I'm raising two daughters in central London and quite frankly wouldn't want to raise them anywhere else.

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