
What's it like living in Canada?

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What's it like living in Canada?




  1. Im a proud canadian,no matter what country you come from,and move to canada,you live by our rules,as the same if we moved to your country,so that means you would be a canadian and you should be proud to be one,were you are free to go any were you  want

  2. great! freedom, health care for everyone (not just those who can afford it).  Taxes are a bit high but we don't pay tolls and we get the afformentioned health care.  Most places you live you can be in a big city within an hour and a half or in the beautiful country rural setting within the same amount of time.

    People are friendly (for the most part) and the economy is doing pretty well right now.

    I love it, I'd never live anywhere else (okay maybe england. lol)

  3. I love it!

    I'm an import (from the UK) and I love the space, the people, the places, the seasons, the variety, the quality of life, the price of things.

    Yes healthcare in Ontario sucks, we get screwed by the phone company, prices for a LOT of things are still cheaper in the states than here, but we dont' have to live in the states hah! (sorry USA'ians)

    I miss people and places in the UK and europe (hey - I grew up there), but I've travelled worldwide and it's the place I've picked to stay.

    Mal. (feeling pretty positive about Canada)

    oh Canadian girls are a pretty shy breed though - watch out :D

  4. Depends on alot of things.

    The health care is not good.  Everyone thinks it's good because it's free, but it's not.  It's not free because it's built into our tax system, and there are surcharges for many medical services, but more importantly, it's very hard to find a family doctor anywhere in Ontario, and wait times for medical procedures are outrageous.

    Having had my little rant, there are other fantastic things about living in Canada.

    It's a beautiful country. There is Ocean, mountains, miles and miles of forest.  The education system is good. The food is great.

    Having four seasons each year is wonderful.

  5. All i have to say is

    TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Whoa! what an open question - the Canadian experience I would say varies widely any idea just where - you looking for weather - life in general - living on the border - or in the far north

    I would say Canadian generally laid back nice folks !!!!

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