
What's it like living in NYC?

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What's it like going to school there? Is it like it's portrayed in movies? How do you like it if you live or have visited there? (I don't know anything about it, I live in Canada, I'm just hoping to go to University there)




  1. It's the bestest! Idk which school you have in mind but I'm guessing it's one of the bigger ones (i.e. NYU or Columbia) and I'm 100000000% positive you'll find your niche there. By "portrayed in movies" do you mean the glamorous NYC or the dirty NYC? Because I guess it's mostly the "dirty" NYC but it's not like really that dangerous or anything. Personally, I can't imagine anyone not loving New York, but I've come to accept that it's really not for everyone. Not really a strong sense of community and I guess you can feel pretty lonely. If you can learn to appreciate the good, the bad, and the ugly, you'll have a fabulous time :]

  2. its loud in some areas, affluent in others, crazy in others, each neighborood has its own feel and its definitely not as exciting or as dirty or as high crime as the movies, its like living in toronto or montreal, except more traffic, and most people keep to themselves.

    i have lived in both places and i actually like canada better cause its cheaper, cleaner and the people are friendly, i wanted to go to NYU when i lived there, but i decided that canada had a much higher education standard and it wasnt about the money like most US colleges are, so now im in canada and i like it.

  3. My friend, New York City is one of the greatest city in the world. It not "s*x in the City," but its the best city to live, bar none.

    Good luck

    Native New Yorker

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