
What's it like to be an FC in the Navy?

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So as of now, I'm pretty sure that I want to go AECF in the Navy, I know there's either the ET of FC ratings in that field. I've talked to a couple of FCs and they make it sound like a pretty great rate. So I have a few questions, if I go AECF, do I get to choose to be either FC or ET? Also, what are the main differences in work between the two? And lastly, what kind of civ jobs would these rates help prepare you for after life in the navy?




  1. FC is a great rate with great re-enlistment bonus (the higher the bonus the better the outside jobs...generally speaking).  ET may have a broader application into the private sector.  FCs always have it made underway.

  2. no you don't get to choose.  yes, FC is a pretty good rating.  anything involving electronics,  

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