
What's it like to be in a relationship with another girl?

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I'm straight but I've always been curious about this. How does it work, exactly? I can understand fooling around with the same s*x but what about hwen you are actually dating and having a relationship? I am so curious about this!




  1. it is exciting really to be in a relationship with another woman...there is more drama i think only bcuz girls r full of drama and then add a second girl, 2xs the drama

    i think it is awesome that u can b in a relationship that u can really understand each other and give each other what u want bcuz u have similar wants and needs and easier to please one another bcuz u already know the sweet spots

    it works the same i guess as a straight relationship, but i think it feels more real and feels less common and i like that. i dont really believe in fooling around with someone bcuz that isnt being true to them or urself....when im with a girl, it feels more real than real ever felt to me b4

  2. its exhilarating like its just the same as being with opposite s*x

    the best things:

    - you get the feel of there soft warm hand in yours

    - there touch is so sensuous and so delicate it just makes you tingle all over

    - there caring loving kind understand you more

    - they understand the pains of periods! and give you sympathy and take care of you

    - laying in bed with them just cuddling argh its amazing

    i would honestly recommend dating a woman its just so different from dating a man. you don't have to always please them with s*x which men seem to only be happy with whereas woman are satisfied with a kiss and a cuddle infront of the telly watching a movie well the ones ive dated anyway.

    hope this helped x

  3. In alot of ways its not much different to being with a guy. I think women talk to each other more, Ive only really had one adult relationship with a guy so i dont have much to compare with but relationships with women in my experience are more sensual. Women are better communicators so there seems to be more feelings expressed.

    At the same time it can be awfully fiery. I have had two long term live in relationships with women and on a day to day basis you go to work, come home spend time together, split the housework, have the occasional argument.

    Generally just live life as normal. Hope that helps?

  4. Great s*x , but the rest is drama , drama , drama !

  5. its the same as dating someone of the opposite s*x.

    although if youve only dated men before, when you first date women it might seem more exciting ;)


  6. im a guy, but ive dated guys an girls, an i thenk a lot of it depends on the personality of the person ur dating. i wana say that girls are easier to gat along weth, but that might be cause my girlfriend is an angel, an my exes are jerkwads! haha n_n ♥  

  7. 4real Jenn its like having the best of both worlds. My girl is a stud-I love looking at her cutie pie face and seeing her maculine swag, but we talk on the phone ALOT and do little silly things that no man has ever wanted to do.

    I don't regret it.

  8. As far as I am concerned, it is no different than any other relationship.  There are ups and downs and silly fights just like "straight" relationships.  There is sometimes a little extra added drama due to the stress of being out or not.  But each one is a little different.  I have been in mine for 8 years, but there isn't anything special to it, we just put in the effort to work at it to make it last.

  9. The same as having a relationship with a person of the opposite s*x. (Except for the occasional stare when we go out)  

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