
What's it like to get high off nutmeg??

by Guest64675  |  earlier

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I've heard you get nauseous but do you get hallucinations and a sense of euphoria too?




  1. if you eat alot of pure nutmeg

  2. That is really funny you ask that. My brother and I were just talking about that today. He has a friend who used to do it. I have never personally done it, but I do know that it can seriously damage your liver if you do it too much. From what he tells me, you don't really get hallucinations, but you're extremely withdrawn. He told me that the nauseousness wears off after a little while after the high starts to kick in, and usually comes back after the high is over, which sounds like is pretty long. It is extremely hard to eat from what I've heard.

  3. I heard about getting high off of nutmeg once in my life.

    That was 13 years ago, in the ninth grade.

    If the rumor has been around that long, my guess is it's true...

    Just DON"T try to smoke it!

    It will carmalize real quick, and it tastes like c**p!

  4. Never tried it, doubt you can. Ask your parents if it is possible or go to bed and think about it some more. I would venture to guess  that it would take an awful lot and then you would just be sick and not high. Better yet, just give up and don't even bother one way or another to find out.  

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