
What's it like to have upper and lower dentures?

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Is it easy to eat or are their problems?




  1. Dentures are not something everyone can adjust too. In fact dentures only work for people who are fortunate to find a dentist and lab that can create a denture that fits correctly. So many think that once they get dentures their problems are over. Not so.Dentures often do not stay in place especially the lowers. There is not enough surface to get a good suction and they just more or less just float in the mouth. The muscles fight it to stay in place, smiling, chewing, talking etc. Did you know that you have to learn to chew on both sides or the opposite side will pop up? Did you know that the minute you put food in your mouth it goes under the denture causing pain when you continue to eat?  I am glad I do not have dentures. My teeth are false but permanently attached and I do not remove them to even clean them. I brush and floss like anyone.

    For one did you know that once the teeth are gone that the bone begins to deteriorate? It's the tooth's root that keep the bone healthy. I have dental implants instead of dentures. The dental implants act as the roots do to keep my bones healthy.

    Look at this link before you decide about dentures.

  2. Kimmy,

    Getting dentures is a tough decision and one you must make with a lot of information. Get several opinions before you let anyone pull your teeth. Once they are gone, they are gone!

    Some people have no problem adapting to dentures, some never get the hang of it. You need to find a dentist who is very skilled at fitting and designing dentures. There is a steep learning curve associated with them as well. You will need to go back to the dentist for adjustments and relines as your mouth heals and changes.

    There are also self esteem (emotional) issues to be prepared for. You need a good support system at home and if you know anyone who has dentures talk to them about their experiences and who they went to for their work.

    Everyone has a different experience and you will too. I get along with mine fine, virtually no different from having real teeth except I take them to clean them.


  3. I don't know personally,but I heard my uncle commenting the other day how happy he is now that my aunt has dentures.Apparently you have to take them out when you sleep.

  4. My husband has dentures, and there are a few things that he can't eat with them.  He can't eat raw carrots unless they are thinly cut, for example.  However, he still eats steaks,peanuts, and all kinds of other things as long as he has his teeth in.  The trick is to make sure the dentist properly fits you for your dentures.  They now have a procedure where they can s***w your dentures in permaanently. (very expensive)  Hint- my husband swears by Fixodent Fresh for his dentures.

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