
What's it like to live right by a major airport?

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Granted, i know it's probably noisy, but is it cool to see planes flying really close like when you're in your backyard while you barbeque or something. Do the planes scare you? I always wondered what it's like. Can anybody that lives near a major airport share the pros and cons with us? Thanks!




  1. very loud, you will move within 5 months

  2. I lived in Point Loma, San Diego a little less than 10 minutes from the airport. It is one of the most beautiful areas in San Diego, and when I first arrived the plane noise was really annoying. You see them a lot, and when you go outside to talk on the phone you will find yourself saying "wait a minute, airplane!" quite a bit. After a while I got used to the noise, and loved how convenient it was when relatives came to visit, or to take a trip. I mean here I am in a suburb of Atlanta now 45 Mins from the airport, and its a pain! I definitely wouldn't mind living close to an airport again, and I am sure I will be living around tons of planes because my husband is going to be commissioned as a Navy pilot in June of this year.

  3. I didn't live by one but i worked at a warehouse right across from O'Hare in Chicago some years back, and man it was SCARY! You'd be walking to your car or be outside for lunch and these big giant planes would come out of no where and they would be right over us! The noise in the warehouse was so loud from the planes passing overhead that you kept thinking one was gonna crash! I mean the planes would be so low that you could literally see the heads of some of the passengers on board! It didn't bother some people but it scared the h**l out of me! I couldn't imagine living by an airport, no way!!

  4. It's fun to see the planes so close...BUT, it is really loud and most annoying when you're trying to sleep.  When I lived close to one I had difficulties getting to sleep ( a lot).  There's a lot of pollutants like diesel exhaust, carbon monoxide, other "fumes" that get leaked.  It's probably why I have asthma now!

    There's pros and cons to living near one...but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't.

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