
What's it like to work at Chuck E Cheese?

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I recently got a job at Chuck E Cheese and was wondering from others who work there/have worked there what it's like?




  1. all you hear all day is the repeted sound of the games and the annoying kid songs they play. You also here kids crying and screaming all day. And the kids will bother you every second to fix a game

  2. Probably fun!!!! ;)

  3. I thought the toughest part of the job was having to dress in the Chuck e cheese suit and play the same songs for 9 hours.

  4. iVe wOrKeD tHeRe aND iTS gREaT.... tHe onLy tHinG yOU wOUldNt waNT tO dO iS a BiRTHdaY paRTY beCAuSE tHe KiDS aRE aLwAYS tUrNinG tO yOU fOR tHe pRObLeM wITH tHE cAKe anD iF tHeY cRY wHEN cHuCK E. cOMeS oUt.... bUt tHe eXPeRIeNcE iS nOT LikE a REGUlaR jOb! tHe TiMe FLyS tHeRe! eaSY hOUrS!

  5. working at chucky cheese is very borig  because incredible pizza is in the pic now and its way more high tec than lame old chucky cheese its very cheese. incredible pizza has NASA car racing and stuff like that  .

  6. Well, I have worked in lots of restaurants. WIth Chuck E cheese though - you will have to like kids or not mind them. It will be very loud and roudy. Some parents will probably let their kids run wild. Some kids will be fun and cute though and all excitied if they do well on a game. So, as long as kids don't annoy you and you like pizza - it will be a fun place to work!

  7. It's probably terrible

  8. birth days are the worse the kids are BRATS!

  9. Who cleans the barf? You the new hire or the cashier?

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