
What's it mean if?

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I'm afraid to have emotional conversation with certain people?

Like certain people just...if they try to bring up anything where I could possibly start crying talking about it or just get into emotional discussion, I'll do just about anything to change the topic. Like some people I just do not want to let in (most people)'s almost like I'm embarrassed to let them see me vulnerable.




  1. You are suffering from an Electra complex. Connect with your father and mother more, and it will be solved.

  2. I understand .  I gather you are very emotional person and fear people thinking bad of you..  I would only have these emotional conversations with a close friend that you can trust, as for those other people I would keep it on a more comfortable level for you.

  3. i agree that you;re "guarded", chances are that  u could benefit from cognitive talk therapy, sothat u can make sense of why ur walls are up with a professional.find out exactly what makes u scared and why and then u may better face ur fear and realize that it doesn't have to be all that frightening.

  4. Do what feels right to you

  5. It doesn't really mean anything. if you don't like to talk about certain things and like to be private about it it's just fine.
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