
What's it mean if you start shaking?

by  |  earlier

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I had the tall Starbucks' regular coffee (the smallest size, without it being something like a latte or espresso), and a couple of hours later, my hands were shaking noticeably and uncontrollably. It was even difficult to type on the computer. Today (the day after) it was REALLY hard to get up in the morning, and I've had a headache all day. It's not like I didn't get any sleep last night, or that it was really light, because I slept like a baby. I just couldn't get up; it was a physical impossibility; it's usually not that hard at all. Either way, I've been under the weather all day, with an ever present headache. I get the shakes just about every time I drink coffee, though I only drink coffee maybe 4 or 5 times a year. Am I allergic to it? Or what?




  1. i have no clue, but the only advice I can give is that you must meet a doctor soon. I used to have a minor handshake like that once in a while, but that was because I needed sugar. As soon as I had something sweet I used to feel better; but I am sure thats not the case with you since you have it only after you take coffee.

    I know I wasnt very helpful, but the only thing I know is that you much get it checked by someone professional soon.

  2. It is the high caffeine content in it and since you don't drink it that often you react worse to it than a person that drinks it all the time. It is like me when I get a hold of a Mountain Dew. My blood sugar spikes high and then crashes leaving me feeling shaky, weak, headache, sick to tummy. Then the next day I feel like I am going thru withdrawls and then it clears my system and I am fine.

    I just suggest you stay away from it. It isn't that good for you anyways. Choose water. Water is good for you and you don't get a sugar rush or the caffeine.  

  3. In my family we joke and say Starbucks is like crack not that we'd It has a lot caffeine in it maybe your body isn't use to that much caffeine. Also you may not be getting enough REM sleep. If it continues go to you doctor because not getting enough REM sleep can lead to larger problems.

  4. I think that has to do with caffeine in coffee try decaf and see if it makes a difference.

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