
What's it mean when someone calls someone a Ginger?

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  1. That person is red headed. However, it's a slang term so you can't go calling every red head a ginger since some may not like it.

  2. It probably means that they're envious of the other person's lovely red hair.

  3. It's a good thing don't worry! Did you ever see gilligan's island? Ginger is the small framed good looking woman on that show and when someone calls you a ginger this is who they are comparing you to. It is an old phrase though so if it is someone young calling you this then they them self may not even know what they are talking about. They probably heard an older person say this about a nice looking woman and picked it up from that.

  4. A ginger refers to a redhead with very light orange hair, very pale skin, and freckles.  

  5. Its a redheaded person

  6. Redheaded, or even a brownish reddish hair person or dog.

    My neighbor has a gorgeous brownish red Golden Retriever, that is named Ginger.

  7. It's a British expression.  Meaning redheaded.

    I used to know someone who used this expression, "to be the redheaded stepchild" to make a point that the person was completely unwelcome in a situation...not only a stepchild, an extra person who was only there because of a second marriage, (think in terms of how Cinderella felt about her stepsisters), but also UGH!  Redheaded!  just let them sit in the corner and be ignored!

    Personally, I love red hair, and couldn't go along with her sentiment.  

    Always wished I had red hair, and even tried dying it once--BIG mistake!  (very difficult to get it right)

  8. the person has red hair

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