
What's killing the beetles?

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I found a dead beetle inside my front door, on its' back dead. I found another, same condition on my front stoop just outside my house about 3 feet fron the first. Then, while doing laundry I found 2 more, same fate. My washroom also has a door leading to the outside.... I'm assuming that's how they got in. Any thoughts on WHY all of a sudden there are dead beetles? I ask because I have 3 kids and 2 dogs and want to know if it's something toxic?

I live in Upstate NY in the sticks if that helps.




  1. My guess it that it is Wasps, I have these wasps in my yard that are killing all kinds of bugs in my yard. These types of wasps prey against many bugs and leave dead carcasses everywhere, especially in my swimming pool. I watch these wasps everyday attack many bugs so I am certain you are experiencing the same thing. They are black in color and are very ferocious killers.

  2. coke

  3. Maybe the state is putting some kinda pesticide in the air that is killing may also be that your house is not at the right temperature inside.....i am not quite sure...that is a really hard question.....i know the temperature does not have anything to do with the outside problem.....but maybe the beetles are going inside getting into something and going outside and dying....did you ever put any pesticides out? well i hope my answer help you and gives you some thoughts to think about!!!

    *I Love My Animals*

  4. Yoko Ono, LOL

    My guess would be they starved to death.

  5. they die they have a very short lifespan they spend the majority of their life as a grub underground ,the pupate and become adult breed lay eggs and die..............tom

  6. What's killing the beetles?  If you don't use poison, that is probably not the reason.  I would guess it's a lack of food, improper environmental conditions in your home, or old age.

    Lifespan depends on the species.  Some only live as adults for a few weeks - just long enough to breed and lay eggs.

  7. With the high cost of fuel, they probably just ran out of gas.

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