
What's losing steam faster...Hurricane Gustav or Palin as a viable VP choice ?

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What's losing steam faster...Hurricane Gustav or Palin as a viable VP choice ?




  1. Gustav.  Win or lose, Palin is now going to be in the headlines for years to come.

  2. PALIN!!!!  Anyone see the darling of the religious right dropping out after this?  

    She's putting the FUN in fundamentalist for me!!!  

  3. These Liberal attempts to smear Governor Palin and her family are losing steam the fastest. Do you think that you are helping your cause this way? You're really not. Do you think that insinuating that governor Palins daughter has no morals and that her family has no family values because she is pregnant and engaged at 17 will really help your cause in a nation with millions of young, un-wed mothers (some much younger than 17)?

  4. There are some good reason to question Palin, but it is too early to assume anything.

    So, I would have to say Gustov

  5. Gustav and your question.

  6. I look for her to step down any day now.

    Did she really think no one would find out about her daughter.

    If she is such a great mom, she would not have put her daughter in this position.

  7. Gustav

  8. palin. Today the whole secret baby gate has been revealed as true and the republicans who just spent the last three days denying the possibility that the saintly Palin would either on the one hand lie, or on the other hand endanger her baby by booking a ten hour flight as her water was breaking... well those folks are scratching their heads and starting to wonder how vast a scam their party is pulling here.

  9. Nicely done

  10. Funny how they built it up to be Category 5...I was talking to the storm watchers there videostreaming and it was barely a two...seemed pretty calm an hour ago.

    Just some trees swaying in one of the feeds from a NO street.

    But it will do's still a 2 and there will be flooding.  The damns were not scheduled for completion for another THREE years.

  11. The Obama/Biden ticket soon after the announcement of McCains VP choice.

  12. Get a life and quit asking ignorant questions.

  13. We are heading down to volunteer after the storm, so hopefully Gustav

  14. Hey shut the h**l up.

  15. OBAHAMAS fainters.

  16. Vote Obama or else!

  17. Actually the Obama Global Warming Bunch.  Another massive Hurricane blows 36 mph winds over New Orleans.  The Republicans, who have called Global Warming a LIE , are going to be the winners with Gustav and it's 36 mph Global Warming Winds.

  18. Palin

  19. Palin. I live in the south and she's the biggest laughingstock.We are all rooting for Obama.  

  20. Palin definitely for the moment. Right now Gustav is more important because of the 2 million+ being affected and the fact that it isn't over yet.

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