
What's meant by 'Islamic Sharia Law' ?...?

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Is it like our Roman catholic,Christian and athiest...beliefs?...




  1. Sharia Law is barbaric and has no place in western society.

    Imagine, you are caught kissing your girlfriend....

    They would dig a pit and bury you to your waist,your girlfriend to her neck and stone you both to death, with stones that are just enough to hurt without killing you outright.

    Under Sharia law, your father and uncles could be allowed to rape your girlfriend, and then have her stoned for adultery.

    It's not all bad, though......

    There is only one semi decent idea in Sharia Law and it's is the one the jews don't like and probably why jews and muslims cannot are not allowed to ask for interest on money you lend and are not allowed to pay interest on money borrowed.

  2. trust me the sharia law in the quran and saudi arabic ARE VERY VERY DIFFERENT.

  3. It means different things to different people. To Muslims it's the ideal legal system for governing life but for non-Muslims living under Sharia law, it's grim. Let me illustrate.

    In Kano State, northern Nigeria, a mob (backed by members of the state's mobile police force) demolished a Catholic church in an area south of Kano City. This took place on 19 June 2008 at Christ the King Church in Naibawa. Musical instruments, furniture and other objects were removed from the church and either looted or set on fire once the building had been bulldozed. The church had received an official letter in early June ordering them to vacate their property. Church officials had subsequently written a letter of appeal to local authorities and were still awaiting a response when the church was demolished. Kano State officials defended the demolition on the grounds that the church had not acquired a Certificate of Occupancy. However, church leaders pointed out that they had been requesting one for the last ten years.

    That is a very mild example of how non-Muslims can be treated. If you want to learn of far more awful attacks, log on to  

  4. Basically they don't obey British law's because they make up their own law

  5. The system of laws and rules an Islamic society would follow, based primarily on the Quran's guidelines.

  6. It is law based on Quran and Hadith.

    Similar to Law of Torah. It is divine Law.

  7. believe in Islam is based on the

    1. The five pillars of Islam

    2. The six faith pillars

  8. that means that every Islamic law or duty is based on or applied from the book of allah ( god ) the ( quraan ) and what the prophet Mohammad said  

  9. It is an ultra conservative islamic law which permits people to authorise the amputation of limbs from thieves, the stoning to death of adulterers and homosexuals and just about every other barbaric act a person can carry out to another person.

    Muslims will argue that is more than this and it governs their day to day lives, but the fact of the matter is, were ever sharia law has been practiced ie. Afghanistan and Saudi, there is huge oppression of alternative faiths, killing of g**s and women are generally second class.  I may be wrong, but I did read that under sharia law a mans word is worth the word of 2 women.

    In any event, it's an archaic and backward set of beliefs that belongs in the dark ages form where it rose.

  10. It wouldn't ALLOW you to have those beliefs.  It's completely disgusting and barbaric.  Especially if you don't have a beard and a p***s.

  11. No they  aint nowt to do with us they wear mad welly shoes n big long robes,Iraq'is etc .

  12. It means 1. Koran 2.Sunnah; customs, habits & religious practices of the Prophet Muhammad & companions, family. 3. Hadith or Ahadith: recorded actions not in the Koran and 4.Ijma or "universal truth", defines what the Koran and Sunnah mean.

  13. No it is nothing like our laws. It is barbaric and belongs in the Stone Ages. Beating people to death with rocks is an abomination. It also takes rights away from women and they are treated badly. Totally against western society.

  14. It's law derived primarily from the Qura'an and Prophetic Teachings of Muhammed (pbuh).

    Islam has the concept the 'The Law is only for Allah' He is the only one in the position to legislate - those in authority only have a duty to implement those laws.

    Secularism doesn't exist in Islam.

  15. Sharia are Islamic laws implimented in the government. In the Christian faith you cheat on your husband, yous husband might divorce you or forgive you, in sharia ruled government he WILL take you to court. anything related to the laws according to Islam will go through specific Sharia based courts, they have specialty judges also

  16. The term means "way" or "path to the water source"; it is the legal framework within which the public and private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence and for Muslims living outside the domain. Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene, and social issues.

  17. Its laws based on the teachings of the Qu'ran

  18. No, it means that followers of the "religion of peace" get to smash your head in with rocks if you offend their god.

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