
What's more Painful? Suplex or Cena's FU?

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i think Suplex is much more painful than Cena's FU




  1. I'd say the suplex, especially applied by a veteran like Kurt Angle.

  2. FU

  3. fu - he puts more power into it i have been suplexed before it dosent hurt and i have been fued and it hurts like crazy .

  4. It depends. If you're talking about a superplex or, for example, a jackhammer suplex it obviouly is more painful than Cena's FU. But if you're talking about a Spike Dudley's suplex, for example, it is for sure less painful than the suplex. But anyway, I think that the FU is not that painful as it seems.

  5. The FU might hurt more cause it's a finishing move.

  6. FU is way painful than a suplex.Look at how john cena does it.

  7. hmm answer this what more painful? getting hit with 5 teddy bears or falling onto a bed of cotton balls?

  8. I'd say the suplex, especially applied by a veteran like Kurt Angle

  9. FU ive had both done to me when me and my m8s wrestle

  10. HAh ha u funny (sarcasm) Cenas FU is way stronger

  11. John Cena's FU

  12. Samoan Spike is more painful

  13. A suplex.FU didn't hurt at all.

  14. So we are comparing a suplex to essentially a variation on a body slam.

    There are so many types of suplex with increasing difficulty to perform and also with more pain inflicted.

    Naturally a basic suplex without any tweaks is less painful, based on power put into it and height of fall.

    Now if we are talking about a complicated suplex, there can be a lot more pain to the performer of the move, especially if not done correctly, where with the FU, there's not any risk (as long as you can pick up your opponent) to the performer only to the recipient.

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