Recently, a friend of mine was diagnosed with epdidymitis, and was prescribed doxycycline plus a pain med. I'm just trying to tell him that I think Cipro is just as good or better, but he doesn't trust me. So is cipro better, or does it even matter, and is it ok to take hydrocodone (vikoden-probably bad spelling) as a pain reliever with cipro? Also The epididymitis was diagnosed as (unspecified) (probable). What does that mean?
I ask because he went in earlier that day and it was diagnosed as swollen lymph glands. This was before he started feeling severe LRQ(lower right quadrant or abdominal) pain, and was rushed back to the ER for a thorough diagnosis from a urologist after the ER doc recommended it. The Day ER Doctor that first diagnosed the swollen lymph glands was not a urologist if it makes a difference. This is all after 2 CT scans showed up as negative for appendicitus,hernia, and kidney stones which he originally thought it to be. Which leads me to my last question, is 2 CT Scans in one day conclusive enough to honestly determine wether it is, or is not hernia, Appendix, Or kindey stones? thank you for your time ~bless~