
What's more frustrating: getting lots of bad cards or losing with lots of good cards?

by  |  earlier

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Which situation do you hate more: having hand after hand with rubbish, or getting a bunch of good hands that all lose?




  1. Well clearly the answer is neither!

    If you get nothing but bad cards, you have to fold a lot, or try and outplay people with nothing.

    If you get good hands, it's great, but if they always miss then that sucks too.

    I'd rather get hands that connect with the flop and win me lots of money.  I'm not to proud to get lucky.

  2. I would hate losing with good cards. You hold out for the good cards more and when you lose with them its devastating.

    At least when you get bad cards all the time you stand somewhat of a chance.

  3. just remember at a game like poker patience is the most important thing. if u get rubbish hands all you can lose is the blinds but when you get your pocket aces cracked you definitely lose a big portion of your stack which would put you on so called- "tilt". going on tilt happens to everybody even to the pros but getting frustrated because of rubbish hands only happens to newbies

  4. Definitely losing with good cards...

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