
What's more important in life: being a good person or being successful?

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I'm not saying that all successful people are bad people, but very often the ones who get ahead in life are the mean & nasty ones. So is success more important than being a nice person?




  1. no, I think that it all depends on the person's beliefs.  A nice person can be way more successful as a person--he or she has more true friends; when a rich person has "friends" they might not be true but are just hanging on to be part of the rich crowd so the rich  person (even if very rich) will tend to distrust those around them for they are smart enough to see the phoniness in their "friends" so richness does not mean happiness.  

  2. i thnk they are both equally as important. I mean being successful is important but being successsful is just as good. I think ifyou can accomplish being both that would be tha best thing to do :)

  3. Well, the majority of the people that are successful are considered mean and nasty is because they are willing to do what it takes to be successful.  They don't try to sweet talk others or being polite majority of the time or hold back on criticism...etc.  Majority of us will get offended by criticism or feel discomfort by others being straight forward / blunt.  That's what set them apart from the rest.  They are go-getter and not afraid to speak-up.  

    For me, I would say 70% Successful and 30% good person.  

  4. being a good person will give you success.

    But you can't always get pushed around or you will never be successful

    YOu can be nice and people will like you and respect you.

  5. Wouldn't that depend on your priorities?

    And couldn't you be both?  Bill Gates is a great philanthropist.

    Being successful means you could do that much more good.

  6. a little of both yea i say 50/50

  7. to those people, most likely yes. unfortunately, in reality, u have to be an *** to get what u want. otherwise ud get stepped on too many times. VERY VERY few people in this world are successful AND are a good person.

  8. To be your self ,  good person i would say

  9. I would rather be a good person in life , respected and liked by people.

    You can be successful and still be respected and have a heart of gold.

    Maybe combine both. I have a decent job and i believe I am a good person, So all that makes me a happy person.

  10. If you want a better answer than "both".... which is always the best one.... I'd say fight and be mean until you are successful, because you'll get there faster if you do, and then once you're at the top, give lots of money to charity and be nice. Rebuild your karma before you kick the bucket. You could write a book about your amazing transformation and make more money.

  11. Being successful, and when getting there, being a nice person is just as important to your image to the public.

  12. well most likely you would want to be a good person to be succssful so both

  13. Being a good person is more important, of course.

    Success should not change people........but,  unfortunately it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Successful good person

  15. success more important than being nice.?? Hmm, Well this answer will different vary, everyone has their own perspective. for example do you believe knowledge is more important than wisdom? You see we are all intelligent human beings that view things differently. But in my case wisdom is definitely more important, as much as being a 'good person' ** Which is really hard to be, the book of proverbs repetitively says that it would be vain to have wealth and not character, (to be proud). And that it is indeed  better to be humble ('poor'), and happy that to have many servants at your request. Always remember that knowledge, is good, but that it is way more important what you do with your knowledge. Here's a promise from the Good & Successful One, "He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers." And the Lord also says that if we lack wisdom that we should ask Him. "Humility and the fear of the  Lord bring wealth and honor and life" hope this helps, may God richly bless you! By the way: MORE important is SEEKING the Lord in Spirit and truth, and knowing who you are in HIM, :)

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