
What's more or happiness?

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What's more or happiness?




  1. happiness of course but...

    if you were "happy" 100% of the time then you wouldnt really be happy at all, you would just be you because there would be nothing else to compare it with

  2. happiness, what would be the point of having money if you were just miserable anyway.

  3. everyone will have the same answer(happiness) so i will say neither. life is not only about happiness and money and neither one of them have full importance. happiness is vital of course but without sadness and such things life is not what it was intended to be. we do not live in a Utopian society... never will.... its against human nature and therefore inhumanely impossible.  

  4. Very good question...I personally would is evil.

  5. Happiness, we make money so that we can be happy after all.

  6. Happiness, because there are so many people with money, who are not happy. if you are not happy, money will not buy it for you.  

  7. me the money and i'll show you happiness...

  8. Oh paleeeeeeez, I love how everyone takes the self righteous side of happiness..........BULL!  Get real! See how happy you are living in poverty, skipping meals, being made fun of for wearing the same thing to school everyday, letting your kid die slow because you cant pay for the life saving procedure,now think of all the smiles there would be on those faces when you send them a check for clothes,food,medical miracles, In fact all the people who claim money is the root of all evil,,,,,,,,,, you send it, why do you want to keep it if its so evil? NO? I didn't think so,,,, There aint no one  just givin it away, huh? Money is necessary to live in todays society SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!The stuff dreams are made of ,yours,your kids, family and friends and the poor down and out shmuck you feel sorry for.

  9. happiness because that is the reason you want to make money.

    if there was a way to make lots of money but you would be sad - you wouldn't do it, would you.


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