
What's more important--your happiness or other people's happiness?

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Don't say both, or they work together even if you do believe that. Choose one.




  1. It would definitely depend on the the time, place and circumstance.

    In the past, in general, I have put the happiness of others before mine.  

    However, with evil on the increase, I have become more cautions.

    None the less an excellent question.

  2. Well in truth the answer is other people's happiness, but in this world we believe it is our own. Here is why I say others happiness is more important. If we all were only concerned with everyone else's happiness and never our own, then every single person on earth would be happy because they would be insured to. It would be guaranteed!

    But because we do not really operate this way and only care about our own happiness, hence the incredible suffering we as humans cause one another in pursuit of it, in the end who really finds any happiness at all? Not the ones who are being walked on by others looking out for themselves, and not the ones out looking because they are always left to deal with the repercussions  and negativity of their actions by those who are not as zealous in their own search!

    Sounds a little twisted I realize but when you stop and think about it, we all are in the same boat and until we learn to row together, we are only going to keep going in circles and drifting farther and farther away from any sense of true happiness at all!

    Obviously I've already given this one some real thought LOL. Here is a really neat video if you are interested explaining  more of what I have said here. I hope you find it as helpful as I did in coming to the understanding of why we need to change how we find our happiness in life. Best wishes.

  3. Happiness.

  4. how can you make other people happy if you are not happy. but if you could be happy by make others happy then it would be great.

    to understand other people is wise

    to understand yourself is enlightened  

  5. If I could be happy when others aren't, wouldn't that make me sad too?

  6. It's gonna sound selfish, but think about it. Many other people have said it and I am too. My own happiness.

  7. you're happiness

  8. My happiness, although I know I sound selfish. But I don't think one can make others happy unless they are happy themselves! So I try to keep myself happy.


  9. My own happiness.  It's not that I don't care about other people or I'm some kind of misanthrope.  But only I can directly experience my own life, and that goes for everyone else too.  Without some significant personal happiness, life is a torturous waste of time.  And I don't think I can do much to help others be happy if I'm not happy myself.

  10. When I was younger it was other people's happiness.... now that I am older and the kids are all grown and gone... it is my own in many ways.   As my time here in this life grows shorter I find that I am getting a bit on the selfish side and wanting some bliss of my own.

  11. My own happiness because I feel I deserve it more then ever now and am most desperate for it.

  12. your happiness obviously. only when you are happy, you can strive for others happiness

  13. I have realised that MY happiness depends on the happiness of OTHER people close to me!  

    And this is the truth...nothing but the truth...for the last 3 years of so.

    You may believe this or not,  but I have forgotten how to be happy independently when my folks are suffering!

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