
What's my dad's problem?

by  |  earlier

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i just enrolled into college to become a medical assistant, and i was talking to my mom, and telling her that when i graduate, i'd make enough money to get my own apartment, and my dad laughed like i was stupid.

im 20 years old, and my dad thinks im still 15.




  1. he did it because inside he knows that you've grown up and wishes that you'll stay with him but he has to undertsand that now you're old enough to do what you want and take care of yourself he just misses what he used to have you need to reassure him that you can have your own appartment because you're leading your own life now and not under his wing still.  

  2. His problem is that he still thinks your 15.  He is unable to realize you are an adult.  Why don't you tell him you don't approve of his nasty and childish behavior towards you?  The extreme is to estrange yourself from him.

  3. he might think ur 15, but really he's gonna miss u

  4. dads,lol

  5. dads will always see the daughters as little girls no matter how old they are cut him some slack and remember actions speak louder than words. when you graduate and accomplish your goals I'm sure he will tell you he is very proud of you. dont beat him up too bad till then

  6.      Who is paying for your college?  Maybe he thought it was funny that he is paying a shitload of money and all you can think about is when you get to leave the house.

         Or maybe he was drunk?

    Parents do things that seem really stupid to their kids, no matter how old they are.  He is still your dad and You only have to put up with him until you actually leave his house.  Until then, try to deal with them the best you can.  When was the last time you hugged him and said I love you Dad?  h**l, he might have a coronary if you did that.

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