
What's my gpa?

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I'm only in Gr.7 but I want to know my Grade Average. How would I do that? Here are my grades below in %.

English- 82 85 84

French- 93 90 85

Math- 85 82 83

Science- 86


Geography- 86



My grades are weighted, and im only in elementary school.

80-100 is a level 4

70-79 is a Level 3

60-69 is Level 2

50-59 is a Level1

Below 50 is an R.

what it says for the grading thing on my report card..




  1. A GPA is based on a scale of 0.0 to 4.0. If your grades are on a scale of 100%, then you would simply divide them by 25. For example: Your art grade is 90%. 90 divided by 25 is 3.6, so your art GPA is 3.6. For overall GPA, you would simply average all class grades and divide by 25. The average for you is 87%. 87 divided by 25 equals 3.48, giving you an overall GPA of 3.5. Thats really not bad.

  2. How do you get an 88 in gym?
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