
What's my horses breed?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone that I talk to says that my horse doesn't look like her breed. I, personally, don't believe that. I, of course, know what breed she is considering she is registered. But, I was wondering what other people thought her breed is. Please tell me what you think she is.




  1. The first 2 pics I would of said a Quarter horse, but the rest, I would have to say, Arab or an American Saddlebred. Gorgeous horse tho


  3. she looks Arab, fox trotter, or Tennessee walker ha ha those are all the breeds i saw in her..

    so what is she besides gorgeous??

  4. Qaurter horse?

  5. i think she looks like a small Tennessee Walker... but shes pretty no matter what she is...

  6. Quarter/Arab Cross?

    Deff. a Palomino in her as well,

    maybe a bit of the Buckskin color too.

    She sure is beautiful though.

  7. Quarter horse.

  8. Either a feminen Quarter Horse or an Arabian with a "not so typical" head frame lol xD Maybe a solid Paint Horse? Remember to tell us when yo pick best answer lol

  9. At first she looks QH. But she looks like she's got something in her like a gaited breed or maybe arab.

    She's adorable, I love Palominos!

    What is she though?

  10. I think she looks like a Arabian or a Quuarter horse. She is the most beautiful thing on earth and im not just saying that i mean it!

  11. she is a palomino Quarter horse most defiantly. trust me i know I ride one once a week.

  12. I'd say she looks a lot like a Palomino. She's a gorgeous color!

    She looks to be in great shape too.

  13. She looks like a quarter horse to me. A beautiful one at that.

  14. Looks to me like a Quarab....

    She is lovely!

  15. Actually she looks like an MFT but there is not much difference between them and the other gaited american breeds.  Nor is there a great deal of difference between them and appendix quarter horses.  Conformation-wise that is.

  16. She definitely looks quarter horse to me. She is very beautiful. You shouldn't let other people try and tell you what breed your horse is. All horses have unique qualities or attributes it doesn't mean your horse is another breed. If she is a registered horse than that is what she is. All horses came from a mixture of different breeds at one time or another and can show similar characteristics. If you really want a 100% answer you could send in a DNA sample to the registry and have them compare it to the one that's on file. However if you find out different would you love your horse any less? Probably not... so don't let what other people say bother you, you know your horse and have her registered papers so don't let other people tell you differently! Hope this helps!

  17. she looks like a quarter horse.

    or a quarter horse arab.

  18. Palomino/Quarter Horse

  19. Quarter Horse/Palomino

  20. Palomino, QH

  21. qh denfintly so what is she

  22. She's way too refined to be a Quarter Horse, and her head is too beautiful! So my guess is that she is a Morgan!!

  23. Arabian

  24. quarter horse or palamino

  25. Quarter Horse, if she's registerd she can't be too much of a mixed breed

  26. qh without a doubt

  27. I think she looks Arab.

  28. quarter horse it looks like a quarter horse i have

  29. It's a Palomino! Under the color conformation rules it sure appears eligible for PHBA registration.

  30. A Quater Horse. She has the strong looking hindquaters and the same shape of head as a Quater Horse too.

  31. Paint, Quarter Horse, Quarter Pony, or Palomino

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