
What's my psychic reading?

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I was asked by someone to provide a photo of my eyes for a psychic reading, so here it is. Anyone else is free to offer their own psychic reading as well, just please post it here publicly as an answer.

Note: I'm not interested in generalities or anything vague. If all you can say is "You love animals", "You like to speak your mind but something you're unsure of yourself", "You're an analytical thinker but sometimes like to daydream", etc., don't bother. That's not being psychic, that's just general BS that applies to most people. Tell me something specific about me that's unique and unlikely. There are a number of things in my life that you can mention, that is, if you are psychic.




  1. You are spontaneous, facts, and ideas oriented.  You like other people's ideas and tend to be more of a follower though you come off quite aggressively.  You have so many hurts and people feel you are compassionate because of this but you are not really because you don't have the emotional tools to deal with their issues (you have your own).  In other words you will listen about other's pain but with quiet disdain. You start out strong and then lose focus in the end.  You are initially sure and then confused.   You work hard, too hard.  Time for a break or vacation from your mind.

    In fact you are an analytical thinker that sometimes likes to daydream.  Did someone tell you that?  Because that is true for you.   Do you really think that a person is one way or the other? That there is no grey...?  Probably. :)  

    But that isn't the case.  Some people ARE confused, imbalanced, or balanced and therefore go both or all ways.

    It appears you don't like 50/50 answers.  Because some people don't love animals, for example.

    What disturbs me more than anything is your demands of a response being "specific" yet you are not paying anyone a dime.  I wonder what's in it for hislady...

    Also specifics don't make for a great reading, it makes for great entertainment!!

    You get to hear what you need to know and hear.  Whatever anyone says has value so why devalue generalities?  Do some of the work yourself and figure out how that general statement can apply to your situation.

    Psychic stuff isn't all about predictions either.  In fact, predictions are often inaccurate and thankfully so.  Make your own reality, go your own way -- don't let a psychic tell you which way to go.  Decide for yourself.

    And finally a question *helps* shape the answer.  Psychic's see/hear/feel/smell/taste images, symbols, colours, etc. and then INTERPRET it.  That's all we are doing.  Our interpretation can be wrong.  With a question, we can focus our response more accurately.  This is NOT cold reading or regurgitating info back as the question can be as simple as:  Why am I so messed in the head?  

    A specific question hones in on specific information, otherwise you will get a lot of general stuff more times than not.  Psychics are not super humans or machines that spit out fortunes.

  2. Don't tell us yet, let other people have a crack at it.

    My guess is your name is Jeremy, you go to university and you have only one leg.

    But this is a great experiment :-)


    Lol at Haunting You :D

  3. I feel that you'll feel better after you've had a good night of deep sleep. Stop all that astral traveling RIGHT NOW!! lol (I'm kidding) Nice eyes! (Gotta say I'm surprised! I thought they'd be "glaring eyes")

    hislady..DO  ME... DO  ME.. DO  ME !!!!!!!!LOL (I already know me too well!)lol

    Edit...You're much younger than I thought you'd be.

    Edit..Wish you'd tell us how hislady did!!

  4. You are intelligent with an enquiring analytical mind. You like to approach things logically and have definite answers and for this reason you prefer the subjects of science and maths to the humanities.

    You are interested in owning your own business in the future as you feel this is the best way to make money and have control of your life.

    You feel a great affection for your parents and family although you find them annoying and frustrating at times - particularly your father who can be overly opinionated.

    You haven't found the right woman yet despite the fact that you have had a couple of girlfriends that you felt very close to.

    You enjoy s*x (hehe gotta be on a winner there) but sometimes can't be bothered pretending to be romantic and wish that the fairer s*x were more straight forward with their desires.

    Sorry, no idea how you feel about dogs, cats or any other beast.

  5. Ok, heres my interpretation. I think you were in the service. Since coming home, you have been staying at your family home--there is a medical problem. It started about 7 to 8 months ago. You aren't working and are very frustrated. You hope to be back to your old life. Your dad passed away and you are questioning  if there is an afterlife and what is possible to connect to. You have one brother, but he lives a couple of hours away. Ok, my story hour is over. Good luck in life---stay optimistic----life's a roller coaster ride!

  6. Thanks for the image! I'm actually surprised someone would give me a picture!  

    So... here's what I got. Thanks for letting me read for you. :)


    Hmmm… first thing I get is that you have walls up, big walls. I realize this is a generality, but it’s what I feel from you… you keep yourself separate from others, don’t let people in. People have to prove themselves to you. I also hear that you don’t think I can do it. Actually, what I specifically hear is, “she’ll never get it” but along with that I also feel a sense of hope.

    You don’t like cats. That jumped out at me, actually. I heard, “I HATE cats, I hate them furrballs.” There was a cat who tormented you, very aloof, very particular. “Damn cat” I hear. But I see and feel a dog around you. A big one, black or brown. Hmm. I’m caught on this one. On the one hand I want to say he’s a very happy dog, and yet on another I want to say he’s more the protective, cranky type. He’s not a stupid dog by any means, very smart, very protective, a bit on the cranky side but generally happy. Maybe it’s that he’s always happy to see YOU. No, not asking, just trying to describe the feeling I’m getting. I find that frustratingly hard to do sometimes. There are frustratingly few words to describe such complex emotions.

    And even though you said it, I do get that you are very smart, all the AP classes in high school.

    Mmm, every time I look at your eyes I see a woman, I keep hearing that it’s someone you’re vulnerable with, but she feels far from you. I see her back turned to you, like she’s angry and/or upset with you? I just see her back to you, like she’s trying to ignore you, see a firm set of her brown, her arms crossed over her chest, feel a sense of sadness from her. Long blond hair. Feel from you a sense of…mm…aloofness. As if you’re trying not to care, to yourself and to her, wondering what to do. “All she wants is an apology, to know that you are indeed sorry for what she thinks you did.” I put that in quotes because it didn’t come from me, it came from one of my guides.  The girl… I get a name that starts with a B. I’m bad with names. Sounds like Becca, Becky, Betty? Not fishing, just not hearing it right. Feel free to ignore this.

    She’s one of the few people you’re vulnerable with. I just keep seeing and feeling your walls, seeing this rigid set of your shoulders, like it’s you against the world. And then I see this sensitive soul, this vulnerable little boy inside (that’s an insult, just a metaphor). You have a sensitive soul, a sensitive heart. I keep wanting to ask if something happened to you. I want to ask who hurt that little boy, who made him sorry he trusted. Mmm… like the nerd whose strengthened himself because he got tired of being picked on. I actually want to say a nerd whose become a bully, but I don’t mean to offend with that. It’s just the words I heard.

    And now I hear, “she won’t do it. She’ll never get it.” You’re guarding yourself. But you want me to. You want me to get it. And I feel the need to tell you… if there’s something specific you want to ask, feel free. I’ll do my best to see it.

    And I keep hearing something about a grandfather. You lost one you’re close to. That’s elusive, so I know you’ll disregard it, but it’s all I get.

    Hmm… and now I hear, “Will she see me?”

    All right. I’ll stop there.


    Bummer. I had high hopes that you wouldn't do that to me, that you would indeed actually give me a shot. Or h**l act like you're human. Turns out the good I see in you isn't the face you show to the world. I was right you know, you really aren't accepting of people or you wouldn't have felt the need to insult me in the process. You could very easily have just stopped at telling me what I got wrong. People who are accepting of other peopel as you say you are don't do that sort of thing.

    But give up my beliefs because YOU say so? I don't think so. I actually got stuff right... you just choose not to give me credit for them.

  7. ther blood shot your either on meds or your not geting sleep probably becuse of nightmare or demon keeping you up or  just inner demons you have a deep coniance the anarcrchy symbol you dont work alone  are your solo practinior i would say your not the fire element the rage more like the brains are the folower animals you hate becuse i would say cats are your main target why you see it as the cat of wiccans who shuned you it isnt psycic ability you live and travle with your group you dont like killing you want to be caught before it escelates you vetran who is in love with a nurse who rejected you

  8. Im not psychic at all...but i do see a kind soul behind that pure evil wall you claim to put up....

    Do you live in Melbourne by any chance ????

  9. Your eyes look scary to me! Is that the intention?

  10. glad to see your picture if it's you you're definitely not a pure evil as you say you are

  11. She does love you, but it won't work.

  12. You are talking about ireolgy. Reading of the eyes. Trained people can see health issues you may have. Nothing psychic about it.

  13. psychics are fake.

    they give vague readings to make you think they know you

    don't believe them.

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