
What's my romantic attitute? I'm inlove with a Scorpio...?

by  |  earlier

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I have Sun, Moon, Mercury: Capricorn

Venus, Mars: Scorpio

I know I have her attention. I just can't understand her personality... sometimes cold and sometimes explosive, sometimes carefree, spontaneous, and sometimes moody... Oh help, I'm in love with her, I just can't seem to handle her...




  1. I am a scorp, it's hard for us to handle all these emotions too you know! Best to just take it easy and go with the flow, thats all i can say.

  2. Okay - advice from a scorpio.  You could be describing me.

    Do not fence a scorpio in - even if they ask you to.

    The freedom to be who they are is what matters.

    Do not ever be a doormat - they despise weakness and though they may fight strength - the respect it.

    Do not directly challenge them for they will fight you just for the sake of it.

    Be subtle and be clever - intelligence is respected highly by scorpios.

    You need to have passion - it doesnt matter what that passion is whether it be s*x or gardening - but scorpios do not exist without passion and need to see this in others.

    They dont mind quiet people - they are outgoing enough for two - but they do not 'get' introverts.

    Scorpios are secretive.  Just respect that.  They are not however deceiving.  They are two very different concepts.  Dont muddle it or you will get stung.

    They are on the whole faithful - but do not give them opening to be otherwise or they will take it.

    They are adventurous and fiery in the bedroom - but dont try and take them down roads they think are unacceptable in that department - you will rue the day you even mentioned it.

    They love cuddles as much as s*x - dont ever forget that.

    Do not avoid eye contact - scorpios are the type of creatures that look to your eyes to find the truth - not in your words.

    Dont lie to them - they will close the door on you.  No matter how much the truth hurts - tell it like it is but dont lie.  You might still get hurt if you tell the truth - but at least you will still live.  Same cant be said if you lie.

    Scorpios are prone to extremes of temper - one minute a calm placid lake, the next a raging sea.  Dont do anything!  Let the rage wear itself out and then start negotiating the argument.

    They are romantic as well as sexual.  So those little gestures are important.

    They are loyal to the point of being ridiculous.  

    However, if you lose that loyalty you are out forever.

    They are trusting and forgiving - also to an amazing degree but the minute you step over that line - you are out of the loop and they will never trust you again.

    Watch the tongue - it is sharp and cutting and says things it does not really wholly mean - and they expect you to get this and not to react afterwards - it is just words and temper.

    Give as good as you get.  It might feel like a war but they will respect it.  

    They love humour and laughing and joking.  So dont ever forget that.

    But space - the need space.  have to what with tail waving about all over the place.

    We have a habit of stinging ourselves.  Just tend the wounds without saying those dreaded words 'I told you so' okay?

    Be soft, but firm.  Stand your ground but dont fight to the death or you will not win.

    Acknowledge their sexiness but dont see them as a s*x object - you will die.

    Cards are more important than presents.

    Do not think you are ever going to get over a scorpio.

    You wont.

    Go enjoy your girl.  Youa re now armed with some good advice.

    Go suprise her with it!!

  3. i totally understand where youre coming from. i am a scorpio. i cant explain what happens to me. i can be so amorous, s**y, carefree and all like you said and then bam! something will put me in a bad mood and it could be the slightest thing, like he touched me before i was ready.

    sorry, dont know if thats the scorpio trait but i definitely can relate. but we are terrific people to be around...i can guarantee it.

  4. If u  r sure ,start moving with her n offer some cookies ,gifts  r some other things as per her chioce .Second step

    slowly take her to movies ,parks n hotels /diff places etc.,

    Chapter close..... both of u will b Love birds.

    All the best

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