
What's my <span title="style/group/"stereotype"???">style/group/"stereotype"?...</span>

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People are always asking me how I'd classify myself, and I have no idea!

What do you guys think?




  1. it looks like ur a fake scene person.  like ur trying too hard to be all scene/emo ish

    and u also look like you are trying too hard to care about the environment but really you dont care at all, its just for show.

    im not saying thats true, but seeing your pictures, thats wat i think of, im not trying to be mean or anything, you asked for a stereotype haha

  2. oh woww this is a tough one lol

    i&#039;d say you&#039;re retro/vintage prep but the hair makes you look scene...

  3. ya style is not settled, the hair and the make up may say emo, but the co-lours and all that may say prep, but then the accessories may say old school, if u toned it down then , you will have a style

  4. I don&#039;t think you really fit into one category.  Not everyone does, some people just have their own style.  You have really pretty eyes, though!

  5. i hate stereotypes but i guess u look lyk a preppy scene

  6. idk pretty lol answer mine;...

  7. You cant be a stereotype about how u look. its part of it but not all. actually, you look like a fake wannabe to me. (even tho u are probably not) sorry XD

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