
What's new in the Caylee and Casey Anthony case?

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In case you haven't heard of them Casey Anthony is the mother of Caylee. Caylee went missing and Casey didn't report her disappearance for a month.




  1. The mother killed her child. They found her in the back of her trunk.

    Horrible horrible news.

  2. The last I heard (I live in Orlando, so this story and the weather is all we've heard about) investigators have confirmed that the DNA found in the trunk of her mothers car was from Caylee and that they've confirmed that she's far as we know, they haven't found her body.  Casey was re-arrested yesterday on charges of fraud and her bounty hunter I believe has revoked his $50,000 bond for the child endangerment and lying to authorities charges.

    What a much more evidence is needed before she finally cracks and tells everyone what happens??  I don't know how much good Casey's parents are doing and I think they're in denial that they're daughter has something to do with Caylee's disappearance.  Cindy said something yesterday about how maybe someone put a body in the trunk of her daughters car after Casey left it at the Amscott and questioned their security...please..look at the evidence.

  3. the dna was linked to poor caylee and the ***** is back in jail.  i hope she rots.

  4. Casey has been re-arrested and is back in jail.  

  5. Child still not found.  Casey rearrested for economic multiple crimes and can get bailed out for as little as 500.00 but nobody has bailed her out.  Mom and lawyer are livid stating police are grandstanding, etc., and  where they should be looking for Caylee.  It is a dog and pony show.  The woman is a pathological liar, has no conscience and I doubt we'll ever know.  How any parent could  harm or be so indifferent of that beautiful child is beyond the beyond.  It just sickens me.

  6. they did not find the girl in the trunk. wow....and there hasnt been any new news released since friday when she was re arrested on another charge not related to her missing daughter but to fraud, i pray everyday for caylee, but as more dna comes back i am starting to fear the worst. However i hope someone brings her home dead or alive for closure.

  7. The most recent news is that Casey was returned to detention after being picked up on "economic charges". There is much debate about how this newest development is related to the neglect case.

    On one side of the isle, those who clearly wish to see Casey punished to the maximum extent, her return to isolation can be a good, or bad thing. It may convince her to go along with the partial immunity deal, or it could cause her attorney, Jose Baez, to take a much stronger stance against cooperating with the authorities.

    On the other side, those who support Casey see this as a pressure tactic, spectacle, "three ring circus", etc. They seem to believe that the prosecution will go to any length to pin a crime on Casey that she did not commit....according to them that is.

    The reality is clear to those of us with an independant mind who are not swayed by the media or family/friends of Casey. Ms. Anthony quite obviously knows exactly what happened to Caylee. Perhaps it was an accident, or maybe Casey pulled a Susan Smith. Either way, she has distanced herself from the reality that her actions have caused. The entire Anthony family is in disarray because of Casey's actions and lying.  

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