
What's new in windows XP Sp. 3 ??

by  |  earlier

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Can I play DX. 10 games on it??

& should I increase my RAM or so, for it..??




  1. DirectX 10? I think it still use DX 9.0c...

    no, you don't need to increase your RAM, but better if you do.

    New and Enhanced Functionality:

    >>>"Black Hole" Router Detection

    Windows XP SP3 includes improvements to black hole router detection

    (detecting routers that are silently discarding packets), turning it on by


    >>>Network Access Protection (NAP)

    NAP is a policy enforcement platform built into Windows Vista, Windows

    Server 2008, and Windows XP SP3 with which you can better protect

    network assets by enforcing compliance with system health requirements. Using NAP, you can create customized health policies to validate computer health before allowing access or communication; automatically update compliant computers to ensure ongoing compliance; and optionally confine noncompliant computers to a restricted network until they become compliant.

    >>>CredSSP Security Service Provider

    CredSSP is a new Security Service Provider (SSP) that is available in

    Windows XP SP3 via Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI). CredSSP enables an application to delegate the user’s credentials from the Client (via Client side SSP) to the target Server (via Server side SSP). Windows XP SP3 involves only the Client side SSP implementation and is currently being used by RDP 6.1 (TS), though it can be used by any third party application willing to use the Client side SSP to interact with applications running Server side implementations of the same on Vista / LH Server.

    and more...

  2. Supposed to be nothing but fix bugs in the smoothest possible way.

  3. A few updates, a bunch of security related stuff, WPA2, partially breaks ATi software (:/).

    I seriously doubt you'd need to up your ram if you can run SP2, SP1 or SP none already.

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