
What's newer new zealand or hawaii?

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which formed first new zealand or hawaii




  1. New Zealand i think. As part of a singular nation new zealand formed first. As part of a nation of many states Hawaii. It just depends on wat u meant by formed first.

  2. i believe some of the older Hawaiian islands are older than new Zealand which i think is about 25,000,000 years old,

  3. New Zealand  Captain Cook was killed by Hawaiians wasn't he???

  4. New Zealand is one of the most recently settled major land masses. The first settlers of New Zealand were Eastern Polynesians who came to New Zealand, probably in a series of migrations, sometime around AD 800.

    Hawaiian is a member of the Polynesian branch of the Austronesian family. It began to develop around 1000 A.D., when Marquesans or Tahitians of that era colonized Hawaii. Those Polynesians remained in the islands, thereby becoming the Hawaiian people. Consequently, their language developed into the Hawaiian language.

  5. You're asking about the relative GEOLOGICAL age; I assume; not social historical age.

    New  Zealand is much older than Hawaii; and even has some rocks dating back to the precambrian era.  Hawaii, on the other hand, is relatively young; having formed as a volcanic island chain over a 'hot spot' in the Pacific crust.

    Here's a reference to the geology of New Zealand:

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