
What's next in the Sarah Palin bashing?

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1st you bash Sarah Palin for her looks, then her pregnant daughter, what's next? You going to attack her downs syndrome baby. You people are shameful.




  1. I wonder how many times you bashed Obama on something.

    I am not an Obama supporter nor a McCain supporter..I am still undecided  

  2. It's not like people are making up rumors that she is closet Muslim.  At least what's out there about Palin is true.

  3. No, I'm sure another scandal is brewing.  

  4. and I'm sure you have never bashed anyone in your life, we should all be so perfect.

  5. Get a clue. She's under investigation for abuse of power. I've heard no one but you attack her down syndrome child.

    She pontificates abstinence over s*x education so yes it makes the fact that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant an issue.

  6. it must be better to be a socialistic, drug using, radical church going teleprompter dependent liberal with shadey friends

  7. Obama is going down in the polls .

    what can you expect when his ship with Captain Biden is going

    down for the count..laughing is not an option..

    Nov 4 th will tell who is going to win the big cigar

  8. Why? She chose to be in the public eye. Everything is fair game!

  9. Welcome to Politics!

  10.   actually I was waiting around for her porno flick to come out

  11. They are representative of the candidate they support   ...Obama is also endorsed by Hamas, Chavez, Cuba, Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan, and most people who hate America and patriotic Americans!

  12. No, what's next is the fashion magazines attacking her shoes and clothes.

  13. "downs syndrome baby" is not how you say it.

    You would say her baby who has down syndrome.

    Thats like calling someone a "wheelchair person", and it offensive.  

  14. nope, how she dosn't want to be part of america

    and how she has people fired for divorcing her family members

    Or maybe how her drunk hubby got his DUI on his way to his job at the gas station

    I would love to see how many times, and on what topics you've bashed the Obama family or the Clinton family...but, you got your questions and answers blocked...of corse

  15. Public servants give the all clear to allow their personal lives to be exposed and scrutinized. Maybe if Sarah Palin would spend more quality time with her teenage daughter then her daughter would not have felt the need to seek affection from others. Studies consistently show that teens that have engaged parents are must less likely to become pregnant. And they have open discussions about the risks, and the challenges of the right choices for teens to make.

    Sarah made a commitment to have 5 children,and no,in her case it is not country first, it should be family and children first and country second. That is what a strong committed woman and mother does, even with a demanding and growing career.  

  16. At last she is pleasant to look at, as long as the tv is on mute.

    yeah, we are shameful. If a democrat's VP teen daughter were pregnant then I am so sure that the right would be so quiet. Oh wait, I am sure they would have a list of things to say about how s*x before marriage is so sinful and so wrong and so disgraceful etc.

  17. The republicans have only one issue - regulating private lives to distract from public policy so they can sell the country from under our feet. It's working pretty well to focus on regulating the working class woman's uterus, and their goal is to outlaw any education about ovulation, fertility and contraception to make sure women have at least ten pregnancies.

    McSame is Bush's third term. Remember how churches talked about the last hurricane being God's wrath. Now, God Gustav is hailing down wrath on the Republican National Convention. I wonder if God Gustav will hit St. Paul just to show them Gustav really is God. Yes, The End may be near for them. It is funny because James Dobson and Focus on the Family were praying for something like this to happen to the Democrats and their prayers are being answered the way God wanted them.

    A vote for republicans is a vote to continue selling our country to the highest bidder, would render the Pledge of Allegiance meaningless, and would outlaw the word liberty in the Pledge of Allegiance, the 4th of July's Declaration of Independence and the Statue of Liberty. Flag pins will continue to be important and will take on the same meaning as swastikas.

    Is this the couple we need in the oval office? I saw this on a 38 inch flat screen with TIVO rewind and confirmed it with everyone else in the room, my dad saw it at his house, and the person who put this video here saw it:

    Is this the person you want leading if the country is in a crisis? Watch the 3 minute mark. The corruption headline is also fitting and works with the statements.

  18. Yes they are truly pathetic

    Even their messiah has the class not to stoop that low

  19. Next will either be her husbands DWI, 'troopergate.' or the fact that she belonged to a fringe group that wants Alaska to secede from the nation....I haven't really decided which way to go yet.....too many in such a short time....if only she had been vetted properly we could have avoided all of this.

    Her looks are of no importance to me, nor is her pregnant daughter....Sarah Palin's stance on women's issues is radical...that is my problem with her child's pregnancy....her child was not provided with education...and she wants to promote this and other radical reproductive decisions across the US into MY children's school system. I have every right to criticize her viewpoints....especially in light of the fact that her platform isn't working in her family.

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