
What's okay ferret bedding?

by  |  earlier

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Can I use paper, pine, cloth? I'm not so sure. I don't know a lot about ferrets, but now I've got one and I'm completely lost. Help!




  1. cotton, or mabe newspaper??? its cheap! =D

  2. i would definately not suggest paper or pine as ferrets like soft dark places to sleep and wood shavings can cause respiratory problems. an old tshirt or a ferret hammock or hidey-hole that you can find at any petco/petsmart ect. would be great because in my experience they really like to burrow in the middle of a soft cloth. You can find plenty of informative books on ferrets at petstores or bookstores or even from reputable websites. hope this helped

  3. No pine! you can use Carefresh or cloths/blankets. I would only recommend the blankets if yours is litterbox trained otherwise the blankets will get very messy very quickly.

    Why did you get a ferret if you know nothing about them? Ferrets are very high maintenance and take a lot of work. You have to research before you take on such a big commitment.

  4. I use carefresh. I find it to be one of the best. Do not buy Marshall farms because they can be pretty cruel to their animals if you look it up on

  5. Well paper isnt very abosrbant and pine is not good.  Do NOT get cedar.  The best bedding is this one:

    It is very abporbant, doesnt stick to pets, doesnt smell (unless very dirty), doesnt cause allergies and you can get it at any pet store!

  6. I would recommend cloth, like old t-shirts, rags, cotton, sheets, etc. Just make sure that you check it for holes, because that can cause intestinal blockages if swallowed.  Pine and cedar chips cause respiratory problems and if they are eaten, they can also cause blockages.

  7. DO NOT USE ANY KIND OF WOOD CHIP BEDDING. Such as pine or cedar because it can cause respitory problems. You can shred paper and use that it's not the best but it's easy to clean and they can dig in it, just be sure you clean it regurlary.

    You could also line the bottom of the cage with newspaper (not shredded) and than maybe put and old t-shirt or cloth on it, also if you litter box train your ferret it will be easier to clean it's cage.

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